
Deep blue chess game move by move
Deep blue chess game move by move

deep blue chess game move by move

Instead of taking the knight immediately, Kasparov pins the knight to the king in order to give his king a square on d8. The compensation White gets for the material is not obvious enough for the computer to see by itself.

deep blue chess game move by move

As an indication of how far computer chess has progressed in the 20 years after this match, modern programs deprived of their opening books are able to correctly evaluate Nxe6 as strongest but at the time this was played it was considered probable based on other programs' performance that it was only the opening book that was responsible for this choice.

#Deep blue chess game move by move plus

This move had been played in a number of previous high-level games, with White achieving a huge plus score. The computer is aided by having this knight sacrifice programmed into its opening book. So Hsu suggests that Kasparov expected that Deep Blue would either sacrifice the knight and then get into difficulties, or retreat it and lose a tempo. Several were specifically forbidden from playing Nxe6, because they lost too easily. White's response is very strong, but the computer programs Kasparov was familiar with could not play it properly. Objectively speaking, the move may be okay, although the resulting position is very tough for a human player to defend as black. The upcoming sacrifice is well known to theory and Kasparov must have known about it (in fact, there are some reports that he even wrote an article supporting 8.Nxe6 as a refutation).įeng-Hsiung Hsu, the system architect of Deep Blue, suggests that it was a deliberate 'anti-computer' move by Kasparov. The normal 7.Bd6 8.Qe2 h6 9.Ne4 Nxe4 10.Qxe4 was played in Kasparov(!)–Kamsky, 1994 and Kasparov–Epishin, 1995, among other games. It has been suggested that it was a blunder and Kasparov got his opening moves mixed up, playing. A strange choice by Kasparov, one of the most theoretically knowledgeable players in chess history.

Deep blue chess game move by move